God is the God of all comfort. In God’s processing, beautiful things always come out of difficult times. Though we may not understand this truth, this is what constitutes the beauty in creation.

Natural circumstances or people do not hold tomorrow’s potential but God does! God’s potential or plan in our life is hidden and always takes us to a place of peace of heart that wipes away all our tears. That plan often comes into reality at a time you least expect because it is not governed by man’s time! At God’s appointed time, His promise becomes a reality for everyone who believes it absolutely!

God blessed Jacob in the darkest moments of his journey on earth; at old age, God gave him Joseph. The birth of Joseph opened a new season in Jacob’s life and healed all the injuries of his journey of faith.

At His appointed time, God redeemed the long years of barrenness of Abraham and Sarah, our father and mother of faith, and healed all the stigma of their journey of faith.  When age and nature closed Sarah’s womb, leaving her no hope for a child, the One who turns the wilderness to a pool of living waters opened her womb and Isaac was born.

When it seems to be too late, today at nearly 66 years old, God has added another blessing to my life: To the people of God and the family of The UOG, I share my joy with Ruth, to announce the birth of our baby girl, Pearl Emmanuelle Bousso. For both of us, Pearl Emmanuelle is our first child, a child of promise, dedicated to God from her mother’s womb!

Many today have surrendered to discouragement, while their hearts are still dreaming for a breakthrough in all areas of their lives!  If you focus on Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, that will not be your portion because believing in Christ Jesus redeems our past, our present and our future for the best which is to come. No one is hopeless whose hope is in Christ. 

When the test of time lingers on, we often hear some people confess: “It is too late! It is impossible!” 

Who told you that it is too late or it is impossible? These words are not in God’s language! You can only find these discouraging and hopeless vocabulary in the devil’s syllabus! 

It is never too late to believe that with God all things are possible! God’s promise and faithfulness are not time bound! Let our testimony help you to get out of any desperate situation and reset your belief in God’s promises! 

We thank God for His gift, Pearl Emmanuelle. She is your daughter and a child of promise. So let your prayers be with her as she starts her journey in life. 

©2023 All right reserved - The UOG.

Thank you for reaching out, we value your good thoughts. God bless you. Racine and Ruth.

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